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Affect3D Editorial Vision Statement

“A New World of Erotica.”

That’s the slogan of Affect3D, and it’s a pretty good one. 3DX is a new direction in erotica and adult entertainment, and we want to foster that in a way that benefits everyone, including the general public. We see Affect3D as a place exhibiting porn that is:

  • Fun
  • Sex-positive
  • Creative
  • Unique
  • Inspiring
  • High quality
  • And, of course, stimulating

Our primary focus is 3D, though we are open to discussing 2D and live-action porn that exhibits the above. As writers, we aren’t bound to a particular genre or niche. With this in mind, here is what we should strive to achieve as writers of Affect3D:

  1. Deliver high-quality, readable, and searchable content on 3DX, porn, erotica, and other adult entertainment.
  2. Maintain a high level of ethics that ensures Affect3D is a trustworthy source of information on 3DX and adult entertainment.
  3. Foster a community of 3DX creatives to help develop talent and collective knowledge in the field.
  4. Establish a sex-positive environment that makes porn appealing to men, women, and transgender people of all stripes.
  5. Emphasize that porn can be exciting and fun without the stigmas associated with it.
  6. Help develop 3DX as a force within adult entertainment.